Our guide to a positive break

  • 12-12-23
  • Richard Lloyd Recruitment

It's that time of year again! For many, Christmas is one of the most exciting celebrations - thinking up amazing locations for the 'Elf on the Shelf', decorating the tree, unwrapping presents, singing Christmas Carols and debating about who is going to eat that last piece of ham! 

More recently, more businesses have taken the opportunity to shut down over the Christmas period with 10 days being the average that the company will close. This is an excellent opportunity for your team to recharge and get ready for the new year. But, it can often lead them to reflect and see the new year as a chance to secure a new role. “New year, new me” doesn’t always just mean the gym! 

Here are some tips on how NOT to lose your employees in 10 days, and instead spread Christmas cheer throughout your office.

Pay for the Christmas Party

Some businesses cannot afford to splurge on a big Xmas celebration for the staff and may ask for a contribution from their employees. As you can imagine, December ordinarily is a tough time for most people’s bank accounts. Buying gifts for friends, family, and colleagues – it all adds up! The last thing on your employees’ minds is worrying about the spare change for a work Christmas party.

If you are planning an office party on a budget, try to buy your nibbles and drinks in bulk! Any extra items such as table ornaments and crackers can be purchased at a much lower price from bargain stores. On the other hand, if you want to organise a lavish restaurant celebration, then you may consider opting for a cost-effective venue. Ready to spend and spoil your staff? The sky is the limit! 

Be flexible

December can be a hectic time of year - parties, Christmas shopping, family lunches, holidays with the kids – the list is endless. How can you help reduce the added stresses of the festive season? Be flexible!

Talk to your employees and let them know they can come to you if they have family commitments. They may have trips planned, or just need a little extra time to prepare for their festive plans. Whatever the case may be, where possible, show you are open to flexibility and discuss what tasks need to be completed before their time away. Open communication will always be appreciated by your team.

Discuss development opportunities for the coming year

The end of the year tends to leave everyone feeling tired and depleted. What is one way of boosting your staff's motivation ready for the following year? Talking through their career progression!

It is an easy and simple way of not only checking up on your employees, but it also gives you the chance to discuss where they are currently at. It can be such a boost for them to know what exciting new opportunities are in store for them in 2024. This is a great tool that allows you to set SMART goals with each person individually, and have them excited to return once the jolly Christmas break is over. 

Encourage your staff to have time off 

Staff burnout and fatigue are seen far too often today. With the buzzing nature of 21st-century work culture, it is easy to fall victim to the pressures of wanting to be the best and produce results. This driven attitude is great in general, however, it is important to remember that we also need a time out. Similar to a car that runs out of fuel, humans can only give so much before they stall and can no longer drive efficiently. 

How can you avoid the possibility of burnt-out staff? Allow them time to stop working! No matter how long your break is, it is essential to give your employees the time off they need so they are refreshed and ready for a productive new year.

Prepare for December year-end and deadlines

Work productivity is at an all-time high as the preparation for the December year-end and half-year reporting begins. Your staff are tired, everyone is eagerly awaiting their well-earned break and don't want to be stuck in the office until midnight on New Year's Eve!

Try to get as well prepared as you can for the tasks and deadlines that will come around fast in January. Can you do anything to prepare for the break? Being clear about what is required and by who in the new year will also go a long way to helping your team feel less stressed. 

Show your support

Speaking to candidates every day, we know that one of the most important aspects of their work environment is company culture. I am certain many of us have experienced working in an environment where we don’t feel valued and appreciated. It is not a great feeling, and it can affect staff productivity and turnover.

But you can have a positive impact on company culture with just a few small actions! It can be as simple as writing a handwritten card to your employees or providing them with morning tea. Whatever the case, it is critical to show your support and appreciation and just say thank you. They have put in the hard yards throughout the year, so they deserve to be acknowledged!

Embrace the seasonal spirit

All I Want For Christmas Is You! Yes I know, we have all heard it. Whether it be across the speakers in the shopping centre, or on TV when watching Carols by Candlelight. 

Christmas is just around the corner, and it is up to YOU to motivate your staff and provide an appealing environment! Pop on some jolly tunes and decorate the office. Douse your workplace in red and green, and embrace the joys of the festive season! If you are feeling extra Christmassy, include activities such as Secret Santa to create some additional fun. You may even like to dress up as Santa and make a surprise visit from the North Pole!

By following these simple tips you will make your team feel valued and ensure they leave the office feeling good and are looking forward to returning to the office with renewed vigour in 2024. 

Merry Christmas from all of us here at Richard Lloyd Accounting Recruitment! Be safe over the holiday season, enjoy your time off with family and friends and we hope that you get to indulge in your favourite festive treats.

Should you wish to chat through your options for 2024, please give one of our recruitment experts a call on 02 8324 5640