David Lloyd Landau - Founding Director

I started my recruitment career in 1999 when CV’s were being sent by post and fax machine!  Things have changed a fair bit since that time, and we started Richard Lloyd in 2008 with a focus on delivering a forward-thinking service offering value and quality.  

Our job seekers and hiring managers are busy people investing both time and effort and they want to know that their efforts are not going to waste. Add the financial investment clients make and we want to ensure that every interaction is a valuable one. Our commitment is to deliver a great experience for both candidates and clients - every time. 

Originally from: 

London, England. Moved to Australia in 2006

Interests outside of work: 

I’m a keen traveller and amateur photographer. In 2019, I ran my first half marathon and try to run with the Richard Lloyd team at least once a week. With 2 young boys, the majority of my weekends are spent chauffeuring them between nippers, soccer lessons and birthday parties.